Cleric and Mage scripts for running about and brewing

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Cleric and Mage scripts for running about and brewing

Post by Zistrosk »


---ZMUD format .zsc zmudscript Cleric and Mage settings---

Though these were wrote by me for me to use, they might have some utility for others. The most useful aspect of these scripts is that you can say botmode to have them turn on botmode like the bots ne of dhsq, and say normal to turn off botmode. Also there are a set of title commands "title1" "title2" etc. that put them in different transing or brewing modes. I use the brewing scripts in my house, where the empties are on the floor, so keep that in mind if you want to use them or want to modify them to use empties in a container.

The filenames I'm uploading are:

There are notes at the top of each .zsc file, once you unzip it, for how to modify and use it. I'd recommend you make a new .mud file, a new character entry in zmud, log it offline with the new .mud file associated to it, use #killall and #save to clear the .mud file, and then import the .zsc file you want into it. Then #save again.

In botmode, here is what you get:

--------------Use SAY to request these spells and combinations----------------
-- all aqua armor con dra elv elem fire float fly --
-- heat ice invis kin level light long nano ogr pris --
-- ref safe sag scry shield tro val invis shields --
----------------------------Combinations Include------------------------------
-- invis x -cast invis on x (cast on an alt, or party member perhaps) --
-- all -just about everything you see here --
-- level -ogre might-trollish vigor-elven beauty-slink-sagacity-dragon wit--
-- safe -fly - scry - aqua breath --
-- long -shield - valiance - inner warmth --
-- shields -iceshield - fireshield - shockshield --
-- nano -confidence - prismatic shield --

--------------Use SAY to request these spells and combinations----------------
-- all acid aqua armor bless blind cas com cfire curse --
-- cure div feast fire fly food heal healup hex light --
-- nimbus poison ref resil sanc scry shock spring safe long --
-- medium short shields --
----------------------------Combinations Include------------------------------
-- all -just about everything you see here --
-- safe -fly - aqua breath --
-- long -resilence - bless --
-- medium -armor - nimbus of light --
-- short -sanctuary - acidward --
-- shields -shockshield - fireshield --

Good luck,

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Re: Cleric and Mage scripts for running about and brewing

Post by Stolichnaya »

Thanks for posting these Zist, one question though! In your Danbala class there's an alias for logbots that calls orderchars, but orderchars isn't defined in the file. Anyway you could add that one as well?


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Re: Cleric and Mage scripts for running about and brewing

Post by Zistrosk »

Sorry, the orderchar is something I put on my tanks and hitters, not on my healers and spellers. Here's the class, and you can see from this how I deal with issuing commands to multiple windows. I'll generally control it all from one window, and type commands there to pass to other windows, so I never have to take my hands off the keyboard.

#CLASS {order} {enable}
#ALIAS orderchar {#show Ordering @allchars to @otxt;#forall @allchars {#execute %concat( ":", %i, ":", @otxt);#wait 250}}
#ALIAS oa {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"avengale"};orderchar}
#ALIAS oall {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"all"};orderchar}
#ALIAS obots {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"zistrocks|flareon|merry|adria|gerak"};orderchar}
#ALIAS ocle {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"demitrius|avengale|sarrasri|sif"};orderchar}
#ALIAS od {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"demitrius"};orderchar}
#ALIAS of {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"felguk"};orderchar}
#ALIAS og {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"gyraz"};orderchar}
#ALIAS oj {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"jarrik"};orderchar}
#ALIAS ok {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"kuopan"};orderchar}
#ALIAS ol {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"leepard"};orderchar}
#ALIAS om {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"merr"};orderchar}
#ALIAS os {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"sephiroth"};orderchar}
#ALIAS oz {#var otxt %trim( %concat( %1, " ", %2, " ", %3, " ", %4, " ", %5, " ", %6, " ", %7, " ", %8, " ", %9));#var allchars {"zilendria"};orderchar}
#ALIAS dropbots {#var dropbots 1;dropdelay6;#var otxt {"logout"};#var allchars {"zistrosk|zistrocks|Gyraz|Korak|Mulbex|Flareon|Merry|Adria|Gerak|Avengale|Demitrius|Zilendria"};orderchar}
#ALIAS logbots {#var allchars {"zistrocks|flareon|merry|adria|gerak"};#forall @allchars {#execute %concat( "#session ", %i);#wait 250};worder}
#ALIAS worder {#win zistrosk}

This depends on window names being set for each character. This is usually done at login, with a command like this:
#name zistrosk
This allows commands to be issued internally like this:

You'll also notice the OALL alias above, to order ALL windows to do something. This, in effect, issues:
This sends the command to all windows.

You can also switch focus to a particular window by issuing the window command:
#win zistrosk
(however, if a window named zistrosk doesn't exist, this command will create it)

The DROPBOTS alias utilizes the "logout" alias, by sending the command logout to every window name listed. The logout alias, while included in the cleric/mage settings attached above, is included here for completness:
#CLASS {autoclose} {enable}
#TRIGGER {A strange voice says, 'We await your return} {#save;#var winname %window;#dis;#close @winname}
#TRIGGER {Kicking off old connection... bye!} {#save;#var winname %window;#dis;#close @winname} "" {prompt}
#ALIAS logout {#save;#var winname %window;#dis;#close @winname}

This code for logout works like this:
#ALIAS logout {#save;#var winname %window;#dis;#close @winname}
#save - saves settings to the playername.mud file for this window
#var winname %window - this gets the current window name and puts it in the @winname variable
#dis - this disconnects from the mud. not a quit command, it's a linkdead drop (for runs like Danny)
#close @winname - this closes the window. the reason I do this when dropping bots is so that my autoreconnect timer doesn't fire and log them back in. Also, it becomes VERY CLEAR that I'm IP1 when there is ONLY ONE mud window left open!

Hope this helps,

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