Rolling scripts

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Rolling scripts

Post by Stolichnaya »

If you have a script or plugin that you use for rerolling, please share?

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Re: Rolling scripts

Post by Stolichnaya »

This is my modified version of Tokai's reroll class (available at
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Syldir Stolichnaya Drasta Rey Damirobol
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Re: Rolling scripts

Post by Urzog »

I have a very simple one for mushclient... it could use some work, but it does the job:

Code: Select all

Trigger: ^Strength\s*(?P<str>\d*).*\nDexterity\s*(?P<dex>\d*).*\nIntelligence\s*(?P<int>\d*).*\nWisdom\s*(?P<wis>\d*).*\nCharisma\s*(?P<cha>\d*).*\nConstitution\s*(?P<con>\d*).*\nLuck\s*(?P<lck>\d*) 

if (%<str> >= 9
and %<dex> >= 9
and %<int> >= 9
and %<wis> >= 9
and %<cha> >= 9
and %<con> >= 9
and %<lck> >= 9  ) then 
  print ("done")


Some considerations:

Make sure the "regular expression" and "multi line" boxes are checked, with the latter set to 7, and the "send to" option is set to Script.
In my case it's using Lua, this can be selected in your world's scripting options (and it's recommended, since it doesn't need anything external to Mushclient to work)
Make sure to enable your world's spam prevention (set it to 19 identical commands), otherwise you will get booted by the server.

Replace the numbers within the ifcheck and type "reroll" once to begin.

One of these days I will polish this thing and make it more automated and elegant, but it does the job for now.
Hope it helps someone! Any additions/suggestions are welcome.

edit: forgot to mention, you need an extra trigger to bring you back from the void once you hit your desired stats. Or you could add some automated way to do the rest of the pre-auth process. Like I mentioned before, it's very much a work in progress :)
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Re: Rolling scripts

Post by Soltaire »


I wrote a very basic GUI for stat re-rolling on MUSHclient. The .XML is in the attached .zip. A screenshot is provided below:

AutoReroller plugin
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Soltaire the Mage
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